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Progress Report 2022-05-15

By Ryan J. Price @ 2022-05-15 12:00:00 -0600 -0600; reading time 4m

(Checks date of last post, sweats profusely)

Not a ton of changes in this update, I’ve had a lot of things come up these past few months that have prioritized my attention (a few conference talks to prepare for, dog & personal health issues, house repairs, work-work, etc). But some impactful updates nonetheless!

There are surely some more minor notes to add somewhere, but the osc-infra consolidation took away the VCS history of the individual infra repos – and naturally I didn’t comb through their logs before deleting them. But overall, the monorepo consolidation has already led to a lot of codebase & development benefits that I’d hoped to see, and I look forward to seeing this tooling continue to mature!

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