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OSC local bootstrapper available

By Ryan J. Price @ 2021-12-11 16:00:00 -0500 -0500; reading time 2m

OpenSourceCorp (OSC) development continues to chug along. Below are some of the updates we’ve been hard at work on, when time presents itself.

One of the net-new things we’ve worked on recently is the introduction of a (working) service-discovery implementation via HashiCorp Consul (named “faro”, which means “lighthouse” in a few Latin-root languages). Updates to aether allow for each platform/app to easily register themselves with the Consul cluster, and be discoverable via clean domain names and not IP addresses anymore, with two foundational exceptions that still need known IPs at their first launch (faro itself, and aether). We took out a lot of manual IP pointing with this change, and it feels awesome!

The other major news is that we’ve been developing a local infrastructure bootstrapper on & off for some time now, and it’s finally in a state that should work for others! Using all of the regular OSC local-workstation dev tools, the utility builds the VM images, starts them up in order, runs some sanity checks on the cluster, and then the user can poke around to learn more about how the OSC infrastructure works together, is extended upon, etc.

We would really appreciate the community taking the time to test it out. Ryan Price (founder/maintainer of OSC) works off of a native Linux development environment, and so there’s been no testing of the bootstrapper done against macOS or Windows (the latter is sure to be hacky). The goal of OSC is for all dev work to be done on a Linux-based OS in the first place for consistency, but we recognize that not everyone has a high-powered Linux dev machine to use to reap the fruits of all this labor :)

The bootstrapper is available here, with instructions for use in the README. For any questions, suggestions, or comments, please reach out, open a Github PR/Issue, etc!

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